APEX COURT DIGEST - Jan.2017 [7]
Motor Accidents Claim - Tribunal conducted trial but return the claim petition to present in proper Tribunal feeling that it has no jurisdiction - The appellants filed review petition against that
order which was also dismissed vide orders dated 10.04.2013.- Challenging this order, the appellants filed petition under Article 227 of the Constitution in the High Court of Calcutta which has
been dismissed by the High Court on the ground of delays and laches stating that though MACT had dismissed the review petition of the appellants vide orders dated 10.04.2013, revisional application challenging that order was filed only on 03.03.2015 after a delay of almost 2 years. - Apex court held that It is an admitted position in law that no limitation is prescribed for filing application under Article 227 of the Constitution - but supposed to file the same without unreasonable delay and if there is a delay that should be duly and satisfactorily explained. - but the High Court has dismissed the said petition by observing that though there is no statutory period of limitation prescribed, such a petition should be filed within a period of limitation as prescribed for
applications under Sections 115 of the Code of Civil Procedure. - This approach of the High Court cannot be countenanced. - in the absence of any limitation period, if the petition is filed with some delay but at the same time, the petitioner gives satisfactory explanation
thereof, the petition should be entertained on merits. - Apex court on the consent of both parties fixed the compensation at 8 lakhs as no compensation was paid to the wife and children even after 91/2 years of accident.
order which was also dismissed vide orders dated 10.04.2013.- Challenging this order, the appellants filed petition under Article 227 of the Constitution in the High Court of Calcutta which has
been dismissed by the High Court on the ground of delays and laches stating that though MACT had dismissed the review petition of the appellants vide orders dated 10.04.2013, revisional application challenging that order was filed only on 03.03.2015 after a delay of almost 2 years. - Apex court held that It is an admitted position in law that no limitation is prescribed for filing application under Article 227 of the Constitution - but supposed to file the same without unreasonable delay and if there is a delay that should be duly and satisfactorily explained. - but the High Court has dismissed the said petition by observing that though there is no statutory period of limitation prescribed, such a petition should be filed within a period of limitation as prescribed for
applications under Sections 115 of the Code of Civil Procedure. - This approach of the High Court cannot be countenanced. - in the absence of any limitation period, if the petition is filed with some delay but at the same time, the petitioner gives satisfactory explanation
thereof, the petition should be entertained on merits. - Apex court on the consent of both parties fixed the compensation at 8 lakhs as no compensation was paid to the wife and children even after 91/2 years of accident.