Apex court digest - Jan.2017 [4],
Or.39, rule 1 and 2 C.P.C. - suit for injunction - interim application for interim injunction - Trial court rejected - High court granted - Apex court set aside the High court and restore the trial court order- The Plaintiff along with his Maternal grand-mother are in use, occupation and possession of the premises-The Defendant Nos.1, 2, 3 and 5 are the Paternal uncles of the Plaintiff’s mother -Defendant No.6, is a son of the Defendant No.5 and Defendant No.4 is the sister of Defendants1,2,3 and 5 -Mohammed Ali H. Tejani (called the said Deceased) was a Co-owner along with Defendant Nos.1 to 5 in respect of a Plot of Land bearing Plot No.202-D, along with the building comprising of ground with one upper floor-The said deceased executed a Will dated 28th September 1991 under which the deceased bequeathed his 1/7th share in the plot of land in favour of the Defendant Nos.1 to 5. The said Will is probated in the High Court - the maternal grand-mother of the respondent was merely allowed to use and occupy the suit premises by the defendants out of love and sympathy without any fees or compensation -In fact the suit does not claim any independent right either of his grand-mother or of the respondent himself.- Apex court held that An occupation of the property by a person as an agent or a servant acting at the instance of the owner will not amount to actual physical possession - (1) No one acquires title to the property if he or she was allowed to stay in the premises gratuitously. Even by long possession of years or decades such person would not acquire any right or interest in the said property.(2) Caretaker, watchman or servant can never acquire interest in the property irrespective of his long possession. The caretaker or servant has
to give possession forthwith on demand.(3) The courts are not justified in protecting the possession of a caretaker, servant or any person who was allowed to live in the premises
for some time either as a friend, relative, caretaker or as a servant.(4) The protection of the court can only be granted or extended to the person who has valid, subsisting rent agreement, lease agreement or license agreement in his favour. (5) The caretaker or agent holds property of the principal only on behalf of the principal. He acquires no right or interest whatsoever for himself in such property irrespective of his long stay or possession.” Thus, a person holding the premises gratuitously or in the capacity as a caretaker or a servant would not acquire any right or interest in the property and even long possession in that capacity would be of no legal
consequences. In the circumstances City Civil Court was right and justified in rejecting the prayer for interim injunction and that decision ought not to have been set aside by the High Court. We therefore, allow the appeal, set aside the judgment under appeal and restore the Order dated 29.04.2013 passed by the Bombay City Civil Court in Notice of Motion No.344 of 2013 in
Suit No.408 of 2013.
to give possession forthwith on demand.(3) The courts are not justified in protecting the possession of a caretaker, servant or any person who was allowed to live in the premises
for some time either as a friend, relative, caretaker or as a servant.(4) The protection of the court can only be granted or extended to the person who has valid, subsisting rent agreement, lease agreement or license agreement in his favour. (5) The caretaker or agent holds property of the principal only on behalf of the principal. He acquires no right or interest whatsoever for himself in such property irrespective of his long stay or possession.” Thus, a person holding the premises gratuitously or in the capacity as a caretaker or a servant would not acquire any right or interest in the property and even long possession in that capacity would be of no legal
consequences. In the circumstances City Civil Court was right and justified in rejecting the prayer for interim injunction and that decision ought not to have been set aside by the High Court. We therefore, allow the appeal, set aside the judgment under appeal and restore the Order dated 29.04.2013 passed by the Bombay City Civil Court in Notice of Motion No.344 of 2013 in
Suit No.408 of 2013.