The principle that in the event of restoration of suit dismissed for default all the interim orders would revive has no application in a case like this because ad interim injunction was never in force as on the date of filing the appeal. - 2015 A.P.(2002) MSKLAWREPORTS

 The principle that in the event of restoration of suit dismissed for default all the interim orders would revive has no application in a case like this because ad interim injunction was never in force as on the date of filing the appeal. - 2015 A.P.(2002) MSKLAWREPORTS
In the considered opinion of this Court no error much less grave error occasioning any failure of justice has crept into the impugned order. Be it noted that a civil court, though is competent to pass an ad interim injunction without giving notice duly recording reasons as contemplated under proviso to Rule 3 of Order XXXIX of the Code, by reason of rule 3A of the said Order the civil court is bound to dispose of the application for injunction within 30 days from the date on which injunction was granted and if it is not possible to do so, the civil court shall have to record its reasons for its inability to dispose of the application for injunction within 30 days from the date of grant of ex parte ad interim injunction. Admittedly in this case ad interim injunction was granted on 22.9.1999 and even before expiry of 30 days on 21.10.1999, the APSRTC entered appearance and made its submissions on 15.10.1999. As already noticed, the interlocutory application was dismissed on 10.11.1999 which was restored by the appellate Judge. It is clear that from 10.11.1999 till disposal of C.M.A. No. 22 of 1999 there was no injunction in favour of the petitioner nor ad interim ex parte injunction was in force which admittedly expired on 21.10.1999. In view of this it cannot be said that the District Judge has committed any error. 
The principle that in the event of restoration of suit dismissed for default all the interim orders would revive has no application in a case like this because ad interim injunction was never in force as on the date of filing the appeal. The Civil Revision Petition is accordingly dismissed with costs. - 2015 A.P.(2002) MSKLAWREPORTS

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