Regularization of labourers appointed on compassionate grounds - their lordships held that they cannot be termed as contract labourers, more particularly when they had their initial appointment under a scheme of compassionate appointment.In the result, the present writ petition is allowed with a direction to the respondent company to regularise the services of the petitioners under the category of compassionate appointment, with all attendant benefits of service by taking into account the other parameters as to their suitability. It can be seen from the record that already the petitioners are in their fifties and have not been left with much service. As such, the process of regularisation may be completed as expeditiously as possible, preferably within a period of three months from the date of receipt of a copy of this order. No order as to costs - 2015 Telangana & A.P. (2014)MSK lawreports
appointed on compassionate grounds during the
year 1985-86, that since the date of their initial appointment,
they have been working continuously in their respective posts
discharging their duties, that their nature of work is similar
to that of the regular employees, and that though they have
completed more than 21 years of service as on the date of
filing of the writ petition, their services have not been
regularised. they cannot be termed as contract labourers,
more particularly when they had their initial appointment
under a scheme of compassionate appointment.
In the result, the present writ petition is allowed with a
direction to the respondent company to regularise the
services of the petitioners under the category of
compassionate appointment, with all attendant benefits of
service by taking into account the other parameters as to
their suitability. It can be seen from the record that already
the petitioners are in their fifties and have not been left with
much service. As such, the process of regularisation may be
completed as expeditiously as possible, preferably within a
period of three months from the date of receipt of a copy of
this order. No order as to costs. - 2015 Telangana & A.P. (2014)MSK lawreports