Copy of a Document - Can not be impounded - Not admissible in Evidence
The question of impounding a copy of document
does not arise and as such, the so-called copy of document cannot be
received by condoning delay in its filing - When to call a document as
an instrument, it must be the original document and not a copy. - Once
the original is not before the Court, the question of impounding Xerox-
copy is unknown to law. - Once it is not being impounded and stamp duty
and penalty not collected for original not there, the copy of document
when per se is inadmissible, the document cannot be received in
evidence. - 2015 Telangana & A.P. msklawreports
does not arise and as such, the so-called copy of document cannot be
received by condoning delay in its filing - When to call a document as
an instrument, it must be the original document and not a copy. - Once
the original is not before the Court, the question of impounding Xerox-
copy is unknown to law. - Once it is not being impounded and stamp duty
and penalty not collected for original not there, the copy of document
when per se is inadmissible, the document cannot be received in
evidence. - 2015 Telangana & A.P. msklawreports