Suit for Recovery of money on Promissory Note - Execution of Promissory Note admitted by the First Defendant - Once execution is admitted, presumption would be that said Note was drawn for consideration, unless contrary is proved - Burden would be on Defendant to prove that Promissory Note is not supported by any consideration - However, issue framed by the Trial Court casting burden upon Plaintiff to prove passing of consideration - Held, said framing of erroneous issue leading to miscarriage of justice for 21 years - Order of Trial Court and the First Appellate Court ignoring presumption of law under section 118 of NI Act, patently erroneous, illegal and thus, set aside. - 2015 MAD(2012) MSKLAWREPORTS
Suit for Recovery of money on Promissory Note - Execution of Promissory Note admitted by the First Defendant - Once execution is admitted, presumption would be that said Note was drawn for consideration, unless contrary is proved - Burden would be on Defendant to prove that Promissory Note is not supported by any consideration - However, issue framed by the Trial Court casting burden upon Plaintiff to prove passing of consideration - Held, said framing of erroneous issue leading to miscarriage of justice for 21 years - Order of Trial Court and the First Appellate Court ignoring presumption of law under section 118 of NI Act, patently erroneous, illegal and thus, set aside. - 2015 MAD.(2012) MSKLAWREPORTS