2017- A.P. DIGEST - JUNE 4
five accused were acquitted of the
charge under Section 302 read with 34 IPC. -
Moreover the viscera contain mercury metallic
poison along with Ethyl alcohol. According to
P.W.10, mercury is a corrosive substance and it
caused damage to the lips, mouth, throat and
oesonghages. But, there is no corrosive
appearance on the lips, mouth and throat of the
deceased to fix up the liability against the
accused that they poured manocrotopas mercury
metallic poison in the mouth of deceased and
killed her.
On a careful appreciation of the entire oral and
documentary evidence on record and the reasons assigned by
the trial Court, we are of the opinion that the prosecution has
miserably failed to prove the guilt of the accused beyond all
reasonable doubt and that the trial Court has rightly
acquitted all the accused of the charge framed against them.